Posts by Category blog Moving from WordPress to Jekyll Puppy Tutorial Taking Wordpress blog to HTTPS with CloudFlare in less than 10 minutes! How to save money on Azure with WebJobs The best domain registrar is Google Why programmer should have a blog Brute Force Attack on my blog How to add Google Analytics to Wordpress blog in the right way First year of blogging - summary New domains Moving WordPress blog to Azure from Webio hosting Micro-blog on tumblr I am back! My blog is number one in Google! Tools I use everyday Hello (blog) World! books Skeptics Guide to Universe - Concepts Summary What I learned from books in 2019 Hello, Startup - 360 overview of running tech business The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers Lean Startup Working Effectively with Legacy Code Soft Skills by John Sonmez Basecamp books: Getting Real, Rework and Remote Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C# The Mythical Man-Month Programming Pearls Two great books about JavaScript C# in Nutshell Transferring domain (from Webio to GoDaddy) A book that every programmer should read: The Elements of Computing Systems Why you should read "The Pragmatic Programmer" The Ten-Day MBA Getting started with Ruby on Rails career Don't hate the player! Hate the game! Facebook Bootcamp is the best thing in the World Leaving Microsoft... Building Cloud Search as a Service with AI I am joining Cloud AI team to work on Azure Search The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers My notes from The Passionate Programmer My second year at Microsoft The Expert Beginner Soft Skills by John Sonmez How to become a better programmer/developer? My first year at Microsoft Basecamp books: Getting Real, Rework and Remote Guest Speakers in Computer Science 10 things you should learn at the University Why programmer should have a blog Hi, I'm Jakub and I work for Microsoft Master of Science in Computer Science I am back! events QCon conferences - real experts experience exchange Wroc# - developer conference worth attending Ignite Australia 2017 QCon Shanghai Azure Portal - the largest Single Page App in the World Open Source at Microsoft and Beyond Thunder Plains 2015 .NET Rocks Podcast: Building the Azure Portal Speech Recognition in the Browser at SeattleJS NDC London 2016 - Azure Portal and recommended talks dotNetConfPL 2015 ConnectJS and All Things Open Strange Loop and NCDevCon Seattle Code Camp: Aurelia and TDD with TypeScript, AngularJS, and Node.js dotNetConfPL 2014: summary and sessions recap dotNetConfPL - the second edition Recommended Build 2014 sessions Programming Contest Tips Garmin Programming Competition 2014 I am back! The Story of dotNetConfPL dotNetConfPL - online conference for .NET developers Build 2013 Tech Ed North America 2013 growth Growth Handbook Notes from Growth Hacking book hadrware Solution for missing battery icon on Surface Book running Windows 10 Boogie board - notepad of the future MacBook External Display resolution problem Replacement for Logitech UltraX: Logitech Wireless Solar Keyboard K750 FreeRTOS Jump Start BeagleBoard - your personal computer smaller than your wallet .NET Developer on Mac Developer mouse javascript Vue.js for React Developers lifestyle Simple path to weight loss other Speed reading Future of Package Delivery is Underground Don't hate the player! Hate the game! Boogie board - notepad of the future I created Windows app over the weekend and you will not believe what happened next Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 23. Download invoice Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 22. Get started tile Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 21. Azure Portal Settings Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 20. Creating MEAN Stack Ready Linux VM Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 19. Configure web monitoring with App Insights Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 18. App Service Plans explained Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 17. Scaling website (web app) Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 16. Deploying website (web app) with github Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 15. Deploying website (web app) with git Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 14. Creating website (web app) Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 13. Customizing Grids Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 12. Adding custom HTML to dashboard with Markdown control Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 11. Grouping resources with tags Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 10. Customizing dashboard with tile gallery Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 09. Managing dashboards Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 08. Finding things Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 07. Working with journeys Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 06. Organizing Blades One Hacker Way by Erik Meijer Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 05. Customizing Blades Azure Portal Tips &Tricks - 04. Keyboard Shortcuts Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 03. Customizing Side Bar Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 02. Customizing Dashboard Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 01. Themes Do not take this personal Communication in Agile environment Windows 10 on VirtualBox - resolution problem Installing Mac OS X in VMWare Workstation on Windows 8 Applying Pomodoro Technique Polish Coffee Hour The "Last Lecture" productivity Deep Work for Software Engineers: 3 steps to productivity programming Unlocking the Future: How GenAI is Set to Revolutionize Healthcare and Education Generative AI: 10 things to know ChatGPT for your data The Complete Guide to Full Stack MARN Web Apps Development: MongoDB, Apollo (GraphQL), React, and Node.js PHP in 2020 it's not your mama's PHP Leaving Microsoft... Azure Search on Azure Friday Domain-Driven Design - tl;dr Seeing AI Photo Gallery QCon conferences - real experts experience exchange Cognitive Search - Azure Search with AI Get Computer Science Crash Course with Imposter's Handbook Properly measuring HTTP request time with node.js Add custom metadata to Azure blob storage files and search them with Azure Search I am joining Cloud AI team to work on Azure Search Adding biometrics authentication to Xamarin.iOS (Touch ID / Face ID) and Xamarin.Android (Fingerprint) Managing multiple accounts in Azure App In-memory caching in Xamarin apps Trying iOS 11 with Xamarin Azure Resource Manager Batch API Taking Wordpress blog to HTTPS with CloudFlare in less than 10 minutes! Quick intro to web development with TypeScript, webpack and Aurelia Under the hood of the Azure Mobile App The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers C# is dead The Joel Test for 2017 I created Windows app over the weekend and you will not believe what happened next How we saved $1,000,000 for Microsoft with this one, small change Lean Startup Ignite Australia 2017 My notes from The Passionate Programmer [HockeyApp + VSTS] Generate release notes from last git commit message Predicting future with F# and Azure Machine Learning Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery for Xamarin.iOS with VSTS (Vistul Studio Team Services) QCon Shanghai The taste of Netherlands: Tech Days NL in Amsterdam UI Acceptance Testing Accessibility Unit Testing Accessibility Working Effectively with Legacy Code My second year at Microsoft Compiling TypeScript files on Azure Web Apps Web Accessibility Hacker Way Azure Portal - the largest Single Page App in the World Getting started with Xamarin in 2016 How to save money on Azure with WebJobs Getting started with F# .NET Rocks Podcast: Building the Azure Portal Speech Recognition in the Browser at SeattleJS NDC London 2016 - Azure Portal and recommended talks Testing focus in JavaScript New Go To shortcuts at Azure Portal How to become a better programmer/developer? Strange Loop and NCDevCon IP heatmap generator Seattle Code Camp: Aurelia and TDD with TypeScript, AngularJS, and Node.js My first year at Microsoft Speech Recognition in the Browser setTimeout considered harmful TDD with TypeScript, AngularJS, and Node.js Website with speech recognition for free Building Large Scale Web Applications with TypeScript More keyboard shortcuts and better focus management on the Azure Portal JavaScript Date: a Bad Part Hidden feature of the Azure Portal: keyboard shortcuts Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C# voiceCmdr - voice commands in the Browser 10 things you should learn at the University Web Development tools you need to know by the end of 2014 Two great books about JavaScript Wordpress on Azure: Exceeded ClearDB size = lock on INSERT/UPDATE (not able to log in to the admin panel) Gulp - tutorial Running the greatest VM on Azure Hi, I'm Jakub and I work for Microsoft Azure tutorials to get started iOS for C# Developer - part 4: Xcode iOS for C# Developer - part 3: multithreading iOS for C# Developer - part 2: strings iOS for C# Developer - part 1: Classes and creating objects C# in Nutshell How top 10 programming languages work Getting started with iOS Development Medical Device Coordination Framework Interprocess communication between Python and Java Programming Contest Tips Regular Expression Translator FreeRTOS Jump Start SPARK Ada programming language Multithreading: C# vs. Java Multithreading in C# My Pomidoro Windows 8 app is getting famous ideone: online IDE Garmin Programming Competition 2014 Compilers course I had BeagleBoard - your personal computer smaller than your wallet Cannot run JUnit tests, after debugging in ANTLRWorks OWIN and Katana - what's the big deal? scriptcs - C# in console Single Page Apps (SPA): Rich Internet Apps with HTML5 and Knockout PyGTK, Multithreading and progress bar Why you should read "The Pragmatic Programmer" Research Assistant Job - Project Sireum Quick look at Java Spring MVC framework Ninja Rails Developer Sign in with facebook (OAuth): how to and threats Sending email from Rails application Getting started with Ruby on Rails Build 2013 Windows 8.1 Preview and Visual Studio 2013 Preview The future of Mobile Apps Python jump start Desktop Watcher security Do you Trust password managers? Taking Wordpress blog to HTTPS with CloudFlare in less than 10 minutes! Brute Force Attack on my blog speaking Azure Search on Azure Friday Wroc# - developer conference worth attending Azure Mobile App on Azure Friday Quick intro to web development with TypeScript, webpack and Aurelia QCon Shanghai The taste of Netherlands: Tech Days NL in Amsterdam Azure Portal - the largest Single Page App in the World Open Source at Microsoft and Beyond Thunder Plains 2015 ConnectJS and All Things Open TDD with TypeScript, AngularJS, and Node.js Building Large Scale Web Applications with TypeScript Master of Science in Computer Science Polish Coffee Hour studies Get Computer Science Crash Course with Imposter's Handbook How to become a better programmer/developer? 10 things you should learn at the University Master of Science in Computer Science Medical Device Coordination Framework Applying for PhD in USA Regular Expression Translator Compilers course I had I am back! Research Assistant Job - Project Sireum Studying in the USA tools I created Windows app over the weekend and you will not believe what happened next ScreenToGif - Record part of you screen and save as gif Spell check in SublimeText ideone: online IDE Sumatra PDF LaTeX with SublimeText and Skim Update to Windows 8.1 from Windows 8 Symbolic Links in Windows Windows PowerShell profile scriptcs - C# in console Ninja Rails Developer Tools I use everyday Copy and paste without formatting Windows 8.1 Preview and Visual Studio 2013 Preview Customize Terminal in Mac .NET Developer on Mac triathlon I am an Ironman!
The Complete Guide to Full Stack MARN Web Apps Development: MongoDB, Apollo (GraphQL), React, and Node.js
Adding biometrics authentication to Xamarin.iOS (Touch ID / Face ID) and Xamarin.Android (Fingerprint)
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery for Xamarin.iOS with VSTS (Vistul Studio Team Services)
Wordpress on Azure: Exceeded ClearDB size = lock on INSERT/UPDATE (not able to log in to the admin panel)