The best domain registrar is Google

 Date: May 26, 2015

I moved all my domains (,,





Google Domains

I wanted to move to DNSimple (like Troy Hunt and Scott Hanselman), but I have only 3 domains, and with DNSimple I would have to pay at least $64 (bronze plan = $50/year with 2 free domains + 1 domain for $14), or $80/year (with silver plan that offers up to 10 free domains). That was pretty expensive in comparison to my current price at GoDaddy $44.97 (3 x $14.99).

I started looking for other registrars and I found Google, which beats GoDaddy and DNSimple with price definitely: $12/year for domain with privacy protection (on GoDaddy and DNSimple you have to pay additional $8/year per domain).

Thus for 3 domains with privacy protection I pay $36/year. On GoDaddy I would have to pay $68.94 (almost twice as much), and on DNSimple - $88 (more than twice as much)!

A lot of people love DNSimple interface. Google Domains UI is also super simple. Try it!

For a while I was wondering, where is a catch, but I didn't find any. This and that article confirms that Google Domains is a new serious player on the domains market.

What domain registrar are you using?

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