Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#

 Date: January 28, 2015

Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C# (Robert Martin)

Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C# by Uncle Bob is the best book about modern Software Development I have ever read.

First section (chapters 1-6) is an Overview of Agile, Extreme Programming (XP), and TDD. Very good introduction to modern software development. Chapter 6. shows all these techniques by example, by creating "The Bowling Game" application.

Section 2. is dedicated to SOLID principles, and UML diagrams. Former is described very succinctly, while latter is non-detailed overview of the most important parts with advises how to treat UML diagrams: not as documentation, but rather as a tool for explaining and expressing our thoughts to others (e.g. during the meetings on white board).

Section 3. and 4. is an overview (with examples and very good explanations) of design patterns, and case study of sample Payroll System application. In the case study, authors shows how to use TDD, UML, SOLID principles, and design patterns in the development process.

I really enjoyed this book. Even I knew most of the topics (UML, SOLID, design patterns), this book helped my to systematize my knowledge, and ensure that TDD is NOT dead.

I think this book should be required book for Software Engineering course at every college.

I strongly recommend this book. It is going to my favorite books list.

 Categories:  books programming

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