The Ten-Day MBA

 Date: July 29, 2013

The Ten-Day MBA cover

Chad Fowler, in his book "The Passionate Programmer" recommended a book The Ten-Day MBA. The reason, why he recommend it, is the fact that successful programmer should know the basics of marketing. E.g. to be aware how much his work is worth.

The Ten-Day MBA is an overview of fundamental basics of economy, business, finance, leadership and even real estate. In my opinion, this book is not only for programmers. It is for everyone! You can find there difference between monetarists and Keynesian economy, the product life cycle (from factory to customer), the difference between corporation and private business, time estimation of projects, business strategies etc.

I strongly recommend this book. I was studying at University of Economics 3 years (Bachelor degree). This book contains all most important concepts I learned there.

You can find it on amazon.

 Categories:  books

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