Polish Coffee Hour

 Date: September 21, 2013

Yesterday (September 20, 2013) I had presentation about Poland at Kansas State University. It was part of "Coffee Hour" program (student's presentations about their home countries). Thank you for everybody who helped me to prepare this presentation and food (placki ziemniaczane, pierogi, bigos). I hope that everyone who came enjoyed it :)

I recorded the presentation:

Slides are available online: Poland-CoffeHour4x3.pptx (~600MB).

It's big (over 600MB) because it contains background music and movies. I spent a lot of time preparing it (collecting materials, making it short and rich in the same time, and appropriate for international audience). I share it with you, because maybe some day you will need to prepare something similar. Then feel free to use mine:)

EDIT: There are wrong dates of 1st World War. It supposed to be 1914-1918 (instead of 1814-1818). It's already corrected in the Power Point presentation (but not in the video).

 Categories:  other speaking

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