Azure Search on Azure Friday

 Date: September 10, 2019

Once again I had a pleasure to join Scott Hanselman on Azure Friday. In the past we did a video about Azure Mobile App. This time we talked about Azure Search.

Azure Friday is very casual. You just walk in, and chat with Scott. It just happen to be recorded :D

In this week's episode we did a quick overview of Azure Search capabilities. Service, on which, I was working on for last two years.

01:00 - Creating a search index
02:37 - AzSearch.js - Automagical UI and sample React controls
03:27 - Searching the JFK Files
08:00 - Adding search to Scott's blog

You can deploy JFK Files by yourself. More info in our JFK Files github repo.

Check out AzSearch.js to generate website to search your index!

This is just tip of the iceberg! Check our docs for more! You can start today by creating your first search service. We allow one free service per subscription!

 Categories:  programming speaking

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