The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers

 Date: April 20, 2017

The Clean Coder (Robert C. Martin)

You are probably familiar with Uncle Bob's classic: Clean Code. While Clean Code is about good engineering practices, and writing good code, The Clean Coder is more about communication aspect of developer's work. It's about how to behave professionally, be disciplined, and stick to good coding practices. What's more, it demonstrates how to avoid common pitfalls in software development process. Such as underestimating time, undergo management pressure or cutting corners (AKA writing bad code).

In Clean Coder, Uncle Bob is explaining by example how to communicate at work. Don't try to be just a "nice guy". Be professional and responsible, while being polite. There is nothing worse than giving false promises just to make others happy. However, I have an impression that a lot of people are able to get away with that.

Does below sounds familiar to you?

Clean Coder - rush to complete

Do you remember a situation when you thought: "Damn, I wish I didn't add this test. I would save a day"? What about situation like: "Damn, I wish I did add that test. It would cost me 1 day, but I would save 2 days I spent fixing the bug this test would guard against"? I'll let you to deal with the answer.

If you don't want to read entire book, read first 3 chapters. It is a great summary and advice on common wrong doing of most programmers that is not caused by their lack of proficiency, but rather not sticking to their professionalism and discipline.

Ohh...and if you have never heard about Uncle Bob checkout Every Uncle Bob Robert C Martin Video playlist on youtube, his blog, and SOLID principles. Uncle Bob is like your doctor who is telling you that you should eat healthy and exercise regularly. He has similar advises, but about how you should write code.

The Clean Coder is definitely one of the best books I've read about Software Development, and I'm adding it to my favorites.

Are you developer? What are your thoughts? Does some situations described in this book happened for you? Maybe you are business person? What do you think? Leave a comment!

 Categories:  books career programming

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