Deep Work for Software Engineers: 3 steps to productivity

 Date: October 9, 2024

In a world filled with constant notifications, meetings, and distractions, staying productive can feel like a never-ending battle. But with the right strategies in place, you can take control of your time and energy. Here are four powerful productivity tips to help you work smarter, not harder.

1. Block Mornings for Focused Work

Mornings are a golden time for productivity, but only if you protect them. Block off your mornings (ideally until lunch) for deep, focused work. This is when your mind is at its freshest and you’re less likely to be interrupted. By avoiding meetings and non-essential tasks in the morning, you can dive into your most challenging projects with clarity and concentration. This will enable you to get into the Flow state.

Shoot for at least 2h uninterrupted time in the morning.

Tip: Use your calendar to set aside this time as “focus time” and communicate it to your team. Let them know you’re unavailable for meetings or calls during these hours. Reserve the afternoon for meetings, which can be more distracting and disrupt your flow.

2. Eat That Frog First Thing in the Morning

This strategy comes from Brian Tracy’s famous concept: Eat That Frog. The idea is simple — tackle the most important and often the most difficult task first thing in the morning.

It is important to identify the task day before! Then, without checking emails, messages, or getting sidetracked by other projects, dive right into it when you start your day.

This approach helps you overcome procrastination and ensures that you’re making meaningful progress on your priorities. Plus, once you’ve handled the toughest task, the rest of the day feels easier in comparison.

3. Identify 3 top priorities for the week (and month, and year)

At the start of every week, create a list of the top 3 most important things you need to accomplish. These should be tasks that will make the biggest impact on your work or long-term goals. Having this list ensures that you always know where to focus your energy, even when the week gets busy.

Once you have your top three tasks, prioritize them ruthlessly. Be willing to say no to distractions, lower-priority tasks, and meetings that don’t align with these goals. By focusing on the most impactful work, you can ensure that your time is spent on what truly matters, rather than getting lost in endless to-dos or smaller tasks.

Tip: Revisit your list every morning and align your daily tasks with these top three priorities. This helps you maintain momentum throughout the week and keeps you on track.

Tip 2: add new things to the backlog for next week. Most of the time, the ‘urgent’ thing can wait. Many times, after a few days, the ‘urgent’ thing is not urgent anymore :)

4. Bonus: No Meetings Wednesday

Meetings can be one of the biggest productivity killers. One way to manage them more effectively is to institute a “No Meetings Wednesday” policy. Dedicate one full day of your week to deep work, uninterrupted by meetings or calls. Use this time to catch up on big projects, focus on strategic thinking, or tackle work that requires extended concentration.

With this day blocked off, you’ll not only have a regular opportunity to get ahead on your work, but you’ll also give your mind the space it needs to recharge creatively.


Incorporating these strategies into your routine can help you take control of your time and energy. By blocking mornings for focus work, tackling your most important tasks first, focusing on your top three priorities for the week, and keeping Wednesdays meeting-free, you’ll create the conditions for consistent productivity and meaningful progress.

Start small by testing these ideas and see what works best for you!

 Tags:  productivity

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