Azure Portal Tips & Tricks - 20. Creating MEAN Stack Ready Linux VM

 Date: August 18, 2016

Azure Portal Tips & Tricks is a series of short videos where I am showing various features of the Azure Portal and how you can take advantage of them to be more productive.

On the Azure Portal you can create already configured Virtual Machines, e.g. for node or ruby development, or with the latest Visual Studio and .NET Core installed. In this video I am showing how to create VM with MEAN stack installed, how to create an express app, and run it within 5 minutes.

You can follow the series by subscribing to my channel or going directly to Azure Portal Tips & Tricks playlist:

If you have any suggestions or questions about the Azure Portal, or there is something in particular that you would like to see in this series, tweet me at @realJacobJed or leave a comment.

 Categories:  other

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