Soft Skills by John Sonmez

 Date: March 29, 2016

Soft Skills (Jon Sonmez)

Soft Skills: The Software Developer's Life Manual by Jon Sonmez is a great set of advises about every aspect of programmer's career and life. Take a look at the book content:

  1. Career
  2. Marketing yourself
  3. Learning
  4. Productivity
  5. Financial
  6. Fitness
  7. Spirit

This book is not a source of truth for everything, but it may give you useful ideas for some particular aspects of your career and life. John is explaining that a programmer's career is not only about coding. I especially like the fact that this book is not only about work/career-oriented things, but it puts work and life together. John explains the importance of living a healthy life (exercise and diet), and how this will help you with your career. He also showcases how to manage your finances throughout your career, and the importance of thinking "long term".

For more, check reviews on Amazon and GoodReads.


Have you read this book? What do you think? Share your opinions in the comments!

 Categories:  books career

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